40ish Days

Enrich Relationships
Pursuing Purpose
Financial Wisdom

How do we live the life we always dreamt of? I believe for most people it comes down to purpose and relationships (and money never hurts). Purpose is what you were made for, regardless of your job, status, or life circumstances. Relationships are the key to any life well-lived - they are not the icing on the cake of a good life, they are the cake itself. Finances: Though the love of money can be the root of all kinds of evil, it also can be a tool that provides the fuel for our pursuits and cushion to our inevitable missteps.I am passionately devoted to helping others live fruitful and complete lives in all of these areas, no matter where you are starting out.


Founder/CEO of multiple start-up companies
Director/Senior-Level at billion dollar organizationsMulti-functional team-builderNon-profit organizer/leaderTRAINING
Certified Life Coach
Spiritual Direction TrainedLeadership & Public Speaking endorsed

40 DAYS…

…well technically 39 (40ish) days days hiking, contemplating and wrestling with the purpose of life, how I got to that point and where to go next. Failed career, relationship, health and decision-making lead me to this point. Alone with God, nature and my thoughts, I entered into a turning point in my life and things were never the same again…Everything did not change at once, but from that 6-week experience I was able to spring into a completely different life trajectory. Because of that pivitol time, my life transformed over the next 5 years; I met and got married to the love of my life, became a father, jumped into a new career, fostered old and new relationships (and dropped some unhealthy ones) and even increased my financial well-being beyond where I ever thought it could be. Overall, my purpose was more clearly defined (and is more defined as the years go by), my relational health became the best it has ever been, and my financial life has put me in a situation where I have the bandwidth to pursue the things I fee made for (like helping those that are reading this).I spent 6 weeks alone in the wilderness, but not everyone needs to enter these major life transitions alone. I am not perfect, I don’t have all the answers, and I still need help, but if you are in the early stages of life and it feels like your are lost and directionless (or perhaps going the wrong direction) I would love to walk with you into a potential turning point that can lead you into a life more full of purpose and joy than you maybe even thought was possible.


Email ryan@40ishdays.com to learn more about our pilot program (100% free!)
6 weeks could change your life…